Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Children should go to school

      There are many reasons why children should go to school. Actually , children are the future stars. They are the pillars of the nation. They are future responsible citizens of any country. They shold go to school, learn good eduation and try to use their education in practice. They can be good scientists, lawyer engineers, doctors, teacher, proffesors, administrators etc.These people can do a lot to the progress for the society and country.
      If they go to school and get good education,they can help their parents when they become older. Children can support their family when they grow up. If there are educated people everywhere our nation, society also becomes developed and civilised.We get civilization from education.

Causes of Road Accident in Nepal

      Road accidents are very common today. Evereday we hear the news of some bus coliding with another, falling in the river or killing people. The reason is heavy traffic, narrow or badly maintained roads, the voilation of traffic rules, over loading the cehicles. In the town and cities, there is no speed breaker or speed limit. Drivers often try to overtake or even rush on the zebra crossing . They ignore the red signal or traffic policemans warning.
      The people also ignore the traffic signals and cross  the road when the vehicles are running. Some times they are found waking on the roads themselves,instead of walking on the foothpath.They do not use subway or over bridges crossing. The nanglo shops and street sellers also block the easy movement of the traffic.The haphazard way of parking heavy vehicles like truck and lorries also cause road accident, especially at night.

The Computer

      Computer is a new method to calculate or do mathematical operation. It is a development of science and technology. It has become a part of our life. Computer have many uses. We can do our accounts on them, learn languages from them, write letters on them and in some places we can even do our shopping with them. Computer will also bring more leisure as more and more unpleasant jobs are taken over by computerized robot. Computer are used in business, in education, at home, in industries, agriculture, medicine, tourism, banking network, transport and communication.
     Computer are useful not onlu for scientist but they are also useful for ordinary people. Now they help to increase their economic condition and communication. The information from e mail and internet is so important for the modern people that they can understand  the world news in cheaper, easier and faster medium than telephone, airmail and others.

Science is Useful to Human Life

     People believed in religion when they had no idea of how science can be discovered in nature. When there was no science, people believed in mysteries about the world and the events around them. Since they could not give scientific explanations about the life and the universe, they thoughts that god created the world and living beings whom he controlled. Gradually the belief in God turned into riligion which was in many cases based on superstition.
     Even today religion is based on faith. It is not as directly useful as science is. Science is based on facts and experimentation. It is not related with faith. It demands evidence. Science has also brought about a lot of change in the material world. People's lives have been easier and more comfortable. So science is more useful than religion.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Visit to Zoo

      Last saturday we visited a zoo which lies in the valley district
of Lalitpur. I went to the zoo with my class mates and science teacher. The journey towards the zoo started from school which lies at Jamal. We left from Jamal at 10 a.m. for Jawalakhel. We took our trip in the school bus. The bus reached Jawalakhel at 11 a.m. It was a sunny morning of spring time which made everyone of us feel happy. The environment inside the zoo was suitable to the birds and animals. There were some plants to create the natural environment for some animals. There were also cages and confine places for some dangerous animals because  otherwise they might attack the visitors. We were allowed to see them, feed them with certain food, but not to touch and tease them. The journey was interesting and quite useful to learn about the zoo.

My Town

     I lived in Kathmandu. It is the capital of Nepal. It is the biggest town in Nepal. It is located at a beautiful valley. There are many facilities in my town. Because of the good road, the vehicles are found a any time. The Tribhuvan International Airport is also in this town.Apart fromthe transportation facility, there are many ways of entertainmaint. The cinema halls, exhibition centers, stadiums, clubs etc. give much entertainment to those who want them. There are famous hospitals and doctors where we can get good treatment when we ate ill.
     But  kathmandu has a lot of noise and disturbance. It is the most polluted city of nepal. the people of this city are selfish. The life in thes town is costly. There is not pure drinking water available in this town. the smoke of the vehicles and the dirt of factories create pollution. There are many crimes. Especially in the rush hours,there are many accident.But i can see flow of people coming in this town.

The story of Lion and the Three Bulls

      Once upon a time there were therr bulls grazing together in a forest. A lion lay in anbush in the hope of making them his prey but was afraid to attack them when they lived together. The lion decided to kill them with a trick. He made a plan to give a sweet speech to each of the bulls seperately. The bulls agreed to listen to his speech. The lion was able to seperate and attack them without fear as they were alone. The lion became happy an his plan. Then he feasted on them one by one at his own leisure. The moral of this story is,"Union is strength."